Europe (2015)

Tourist Tr@p

Not sure if you’ve ever seen sweat from someones back drop down to the seat of a chair.  Well, it happened to me.  I have not seen that before either.  It was so hot in Florence, Italy — like over 100 degrees and probably 90 percent humidity. Worse, I was on a city tour bus

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Insanity (In A Good Way)

Given my poor command of the English language, I can only say one thing about Barcelona, Spain — Fucking INSANITY.  Sorry for those poor choice of words.  But its true.  This place is insane, lively, active, youthful, growing, fun, historical, unsafe, safe, and a hundred more adjectives.  Said another way…  It’s a great town.  Won’t

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And The Winner is?

You can’t go to Switzerland for a week and not eat chocolate — or you know what?  Don’t come.  Just don’t come.  Your missing the point that Swiss make the best chocolates and have the biggest brands in the world.   In fact, the Swiss eat more chocolate per capita than any other country in

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Just call it Heaven

Ok, lets play the game — Who likes chocolate better, you or me?  Don’t even bother, lets agree to disagree.  My mind gets messed up when I am around chocolate.  In fact, often, its my dinner along with ice cream (frozen yogurt).  Love the shit.  And I represent one of the 20% of superior intelligence

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58 Km Ride to Bern

We had decided to take a long bike ride today instead of hiking.  Choosing a bike route from Interlaken to the Capital of Switzerland, Bern.  Government in this region has built a whole network of paths dodging through farmers fields, shores of glacier lake, shoulder of river with great rapids, through towns and even forests with

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Fly at 125 MPH!

This character is the real deal.  Serious.  Paula and I went for a 6.5 hour trek around one of the most beautiful scenes on earth — the Swiss Alps.  Anyway…  our travels took us through this breathtaking area where these BASE jumpers call home in the cliffs which are no less than a 2,000 – 3,000

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Best Gift Ever!

Ok men, this post is only for you.  Can we talk one-on-one, man-to-man, bro-to-bro?  Lets say your married, in a long term relationship or have a secret love which you need to show true intent.  How best to share your love with that significant other?  That is the age old question. Now if you’re bleeding

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First things first, I have zero DNA for Culture.  Like Zero-point-Zero.  I just don’t give a shit. I happened to get a call from the Professor, Dr Jeffrey Habert who told me that his absolute worst place to visit is Vienna.  I asked him why this is the case Doctor?  What do you think of when

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Nie Vergessen

Nie Vergessen or, “Never Forget”.  I think this headline for this post says it all. So it would be unconscionable not to share the feeling I had when visiting the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin.  Now I am not one to have a religious overtone.  I am non-secular by in large.  But

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So if you were to ask me what is the most significant event in the past century for Berlin, or Germany for that matter, I would have to take a good month to noodle on that one.  Wow, so many events have occurred that are so outrageous and over the top. Think of your home

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Berlin Street Art

I know, I know, I can hear it now — did you go to the Berlin wall?  Checkpoint Charlie?  Tons of facinating museums?  Maybe the Philharmonic?  Some Jewish historical site? Possibly visit Angela for dinner? Yah, yah, yah…  Sure.   I’ve got days to do that stuff.   Sorry folks, no pictures of me in front of

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